Title: [Product/Service] for Sale 🛍️
Category: Buy or Sell
Hey HelpMate Community! 👋
I have [Product/Service] that I'd like to sell. Here are the details:
Product/Service Details:
Name: [Name of the Product/Service]
Description: [Provide a brief description of the product or service]
Condition: [Specify if it's new, gently used, etc.]
Price: [Price in [Currency]]
Delivery/Meetup: [Specify delivery options or if you prefer meetup]
Images: [Attach clear images of the product if applicable]
Contact Details:
Location: [Your Location]
Preferred Contact Method: [Email/Phone/Other]
Rules and Regulations:
Negotiation: Feel free to negotiate the price within reason.
Payment Method: [Specify accepted payment methods]
Return Policy: [Specify if applicable]
How to Purchase:
Express Interest: Comment below expressing your interest in purchasing.
Ask Questions: Feel free to ask any questions you have about the product or service.
Payment Agreement: We can discuss the payment method and agree upon the terms once you express interest.
I'm looking forward to finding a new home for [Product/Service]. If you're interested or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! 🌟 #BuySell #ProductForSale
NOTE :- Be a baniya, make your product viral. Templates are for non creative people.